Monday, January 9, 2017

Abstraction and the Joy of Paint

This is a painting which was very hard to paint...heck, all of my paintings are hard to paint these days.
acrylic painting abstract knife painting with allegorical themes by artist Susan D. Kennedy
"The Very Old Steps" acrylic on canvas, 24" x 18" SOLD

It was bought by my oldest and dearest art supporters, the people of Cumming First United Methodist Church.

I can't seem to be inspired by realism in the past couple of years, but abstracted and allegorical landscapes most definitely inspire me. I'm sure they appeal to fewer people, but they mean a lot more to me. Mostly these paintings of mine are about the painfully wistful longing that we all have for heaven and peace.

Usually these knife paintings have a faint distant area which suggests the tantalizing landscape of heaven, and the foreground is often blocky obstacles which are the viewer's/traveler's journey as she struggles to keep peace and heaven in view. This painting is definitely in that group and has that theme. It also attempts to capture, typically for me, a struggle against anxiety and depression as I travel along the paths and steps that all of us take.

I so appreciate the support of my patrons and appreciators as I seemingly paint endless paintings which ALL LOOK ALIKE! To me they are different, and to me they attempt to tell differing stories.

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